Sunday, May 6, 2007

Americano with some bling

Still half-caff but add a squirt each of vanilla and almond. I am starting with single pumps of any flavor and will work up to more as the month moves on.

My Nana used to make these fantastic cookies that had roughly equal parts almond and vanilla extracts. They were my favorites and I ate a whole lot of them every Christmas. This drink was an attempt to recreate the taste. The verdict: not bad. It was quite good, actually, and indeed reminiscent in flavor to Nana's cookies. No dairy in this one. It didn't need it.

It did get a little sweet toward the end but perhaps I should have mixed it up first. I would order this one again.

1 comment:

James said...

I tried a similar syrup combo but with a latte rather than an americano. The dairy and nut flavors do not jive well, at least for my palette.